How much does a cosmetics business in Nigeria cost? What should I consider before starting my own cosmetic business? These questions could run through the mind of anyone wishing to start a cosmetics business. Cosmetics is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide. In 2017 alone, global sales reached $1.7 trillion. The beauty industry has also grown significantly over the last decade. According to research, the global cosmetics industry grew at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 6% from 2010 to 2016. With the increasing demand for personal care products, the cosmetics industry in Nigeria is expected to keep expanding. This makes it one of the most significant sectors in the country's economy. If you want to start the cosmetics business, read our guide below. It contains everything that you need to know as an entrepreneur. What are Cosmetics? The word "cosmetic" comes from Greek and means "beautifying medicine." Cosmetics are products used to enhance
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