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How to make money fast in Nigeria - 10 easiest ways to make money

In Nigeria, there is no cheap way to make money fast without already having a big capital at hand. Like the saying goes; “you need money to make money” that is the reality of business in Nigeria and that is why sometimes you have to put your pride down for a moment and hustle hard as your life depends on it. After making enough money from your day-to-day hustle and hard work, then you can put the money into motion and let your money start working for you. That my friend is how to build up and arrive at the stage where you can start finding means to make money fast in Nigeria, with that said, let’s hop in on the 10 ways to make money fast in Nigeria.

How to make money fast in Nigeria - 10 easiest ways to make money

What is the easiest way to make money in Nigeria?

Open a club

If you are based in Lagos or situated in a school area anywhere in the country, you will observe that Nigerians prioritize fun the same way they prioritize food. Millions are made in the club every weekend and if you are thinking of how to make money fast in Nigeria, then opening a club is one of the easiest ways of making money you should consider. 

Drinks are ridiculously priced and people would gladly buy them for the show of class, extra rate is given for the VIP lounge and VVIP as well. Shows will be hosted where you bring in DJs and artists with influence to pull a crowd and you can also make money by selling tickets.

Sell quality okirika wears

A bale of first-grade quality men’s shirts costs 50 - 80k of which contains over 120 units of shirts to sell. If you are good at marketing and lucky enough to get a good location where you sell each shirt for the rate of 1.5k - 2k per shirt, you could be making up to 200k on a bale in just a matter of weeks or days. Okirika business is a fast way to make money in Nigeria and getting a good location will make the sale easiest for you to make money in Nigeria

Learn crypto day trading

Crypto trading is different from crypto investment. While crypto investment is the easiest way to make money in Nigeria in the long run, crypto day trading is a faster way to make money in Nigeria. But crypto day trading requires you to register on exchanges like Binance and learn how to trade currency pairs using Binance futures. You also need to learn basic price action and fundamental analysis.

Once you are equipped with the technical knowledge of day trading, you could be making dollars every day from the comfort of your phone or computer.

Start uber business

Uber business is the new cash cow to make fast money in Nigeria easily without stress. All you need is a good fuel economy car and to be approved into the uber partnership program. Once you fuel your car and hit the road, orders will start coming in easily and effortlessly. The payment is fast and you get to schedule your work independently. A lot of people have made millions from uber business either as their main hustle or side hustle. So if you are thinking of how to make money fast in Nigeria, uber is the easiest way for you provided you already have a start-up capital to buy a car, or maybe you already own one.

Bureau de change business

Like I said earlier, you need money in order to make money fast in Nigeria and I am sure you would agree with me that the Bureau de change business is an easy way to make money in Nigeria without stress. To make money fast with this business, you can start with as low as 200k to buy dollars at a favorable price with at least 5 naira profit on each dollar bought.

As of the time of this post, the rate for the parallel market is between 550 - 560 per USD, so if you are able to buy 200k worth of USD at the rate of 540 and resell for 560, you will be making approximately 7,500 nairas on that deal alone. Imagine someone with a million naira startup capital doing the same deal; that person will be making 37,000+ as profit. That is to show you how fast you can make money with this business and I don’t think making money can’t be any easier than this.

Pos business

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 POS businesses have become the people’s favorite means to make money fast in Nigeria and it’s no doubt one of the easiest ways to make money for lazy people. The good thing about POS business is that there is almost zero risk involved, whether you make sales or not, your capital is still intact with you, you are not buying and reselling any commodity, another thing is that the business is mobile and can be done anywhere even without shop.

All you need is just a means of awareness to let people know that you operate pos business around and a good start-up capital of at least 100k. Get good market areas to operate in and if you are charging 100naira per 5k withdrawal, you will be making an estimated amount of 2k on each 100k total withdrawal. But in a situation whereby someone is making a one time 100k withdrawal, you will be prompted to charge just 1k for that 100k withdrawal which is still profitable to you because now you will have to go to the bank and withdraw the 100k back and reuse it to make another 2k that same day. So for someone with a large capital of 1million naira and a populated commercial area, you could be raking in 20k profit daily. Therefore, pos business is a fast way to make money in Nigeria and even though the business is now saturated, the market is there and it keeps growing every day because busy business people don’t have time to queue on atm stands or banks all day long.

Build or resell shops in a market area

The easiest ways to make money are incomplete without real estate on the list of ways, simple enough, we are not talking about a tens of million naira real estate project but just a few million nairas down the line, and your money-making streams will be on autopilot. So how do we make money fast by building or reselling rented shops?

The first method is a life long term business and requires more money to set up, you will need to secure a land space of half plots of land at least in a populated market area, build a story shopping complex enough to size 10-12 shops which will be rented out for 250k - 500k yearly depending on the location.

The second method is the pay 5 years’ rent for newly built shops and based on agreement with the building owner you can resize the shops into smaller sizes to get more number of shops and then resell each shop at a higher price from the original price you rented each. This way you will be making more from the additional cost on the rent and the additional number of shops you got from resizing the shops.

Be an expert in digital marketing

The only major investment you need to make before making fast money doing digital marketing in Nigeria is to invest in your knowledge and be an expert. The moment you become an expert in digital marketing, it will be easy for you to make fast money because local and international companies will request your service and would be willing to pay a premium price for it.

During elections also, politicians will also need your service and you know these people spend a lot on campaigns and public awareness so come rain, come sunshine, digital marketing will always be your holy grail for making fast money in Nigeria.

Start a poultry

Between 2020 and 2021, the price of eggs has gone up from 30 nairas to 60 nairas and so has the demand for eggs skyrocketed.  There is hardly any fast food in Nigeria that doesn’t have either egg or chicken included in making it, apart from that people also eat and use eggs on a daily basis to the extent that most western states are now transporting eggs to other states due to the high demand.

With a successful poultry business, you are guaranteed to make fast and easy money every blessed day as long as your birds are getting good management and ur farm is active. Alth the profit margin may not be large especially for small or medium-sized farms, but daily and consistent money is guaranteed in the poultry business.

Start a pure water business

The pure water company is probably the cheapest manufacturing business anyone can build to start making fast money in Nigeria. Apart from the fixed cost of land, building, and packaging machines, the pure water business is like getting paid to pump free water from the earth. The cost of operation basically covers buying of nylons, paying staff, and fueling your delivery truck but that still does negatively the fact that there is no actual payment for the free water being pumped. You only pay for the packaging and delivery and if the quality of your water is good, you can easily beat your existing competitors.


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